AI & games: “Wipeout” (1995)

Here is today’s game title: Wipeout (1995), an iconic futuristic racing video game developed by…

Historical persons by AI: Eva Peron

Portrait of Eva Peron, Animalistics, Charcoal Drawing 1. Eva Perón was an Argentine political leader,…

AI travels: Adriatic Sea (Croatia)

Today we visited the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) and were captivated by its crystal-clear waters and…

Masterpieces & AI: “The Bedroom” by Vincent van Gogh

This is how the AbsoluteReality image generation model “sees” the “The Bedroom” painting by Vincent…

Book covers by AI: “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson

This is how the SexyToonRealWorld image generation model “sees” the cover for “Gilead” by Marilynne…

AI & movies: “The Motorcycle Diaries” (2004)

🤖 Here is the today’s movie title: The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) [USER]: It tells the…

AI fauna facts: Bedlington Terrier

Did you know that, this charming #BedlingtonTerrier is named after a town called Bedlington in…

Daily picture: “Flood, small boats”

At dawn in the future, Armenia is submerged in floodwaters. The scene unfolds with an…