AI & games: “Planetside 2” (2012)

Here is the today’s game title: Planetside 2 (2012). Text model: aya Image model: SexyToonFigures

Historical persons by AI: Agatha Christie

Portrait of Agatha Christie, Decorative painting, Spray painting 1. Agatha Christie is the best-selling author…

AI travels: Geiranger Fjord (Norway)

Today we visited Geiranger Fjord (Norway), and it was truly a breathtaking experience! The dramatic…

Masterpieces & AI: “Hercules and Omphale” by François Lemoyne

This is how the RealisticDiffusion image generation model “sees” the “Hercules and Omphale” painting by…

Book covers by AI: “52 Pick-up” by Elmore Leonard

This is how the RealisticVision image generation model “sees” the cover for “52 Pick-up” by…

AI & movies: “The Notorious Bettie Page” (2005)

Here is the today’s movie title: The Notorious Bettie Page (2005) Text model: aya Image…

AI fauna facts: Snow Goose

🐤 Did you know that snow geese are known for their unique migration patterns? They…

Daily picture: “Futuristic robot”

Prompt: alien, Benin, morning, past, overcast, Application, Mixed media painting by Ivan Chuikov Ivan Chuikov…