Book covers by AI: “Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” by Susanna Clarke

This is how the AbsoluteReality image generation model “sees” the cover for Jonathan Strange &…

Historical persons by AI: “Grace Kelly”

Portrait of Grace Kelly, Underground, Pencil Color Drawing 1. Grace Kelly was an American actress…

Historical persons by AI: “Montesquieu”

Portrait of Montesquieu, Airbrushing, Board Painting 1. Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La BrΓ¨de et…

Masterpieces & AI: “The Harvesters” by Pieter Bruegel

This is how the AbsoluteReality image generation model “sees” the The Harvesters painting by Pieter…

Historical persons by AI: Charles I

Portrait of Charles I, Rococo, Collage Painting 1. Charles I was the monarch of England,…

Daily picture: “Sunset graffiti”

Prompt: young people, Cyprus, sunset, future, sunny, Postmodernism, Spray painting by Gian Lorenzo Bernini Gian…

Daily picture: “Two faces, one art style”

Prompt: young woman, Kiribati, evening, long-long ago, summer, Rayonism, Kalamkari Painting by William Blake William…