Daily picture: “Rainbow over desert”

“Mauritania at night in the far future, painted in Splash Painting technique with a touch…

AI travels: Danakil Depression (Ethiopia)

Today we visited Danakil Depression (Ethiopia), and I was astonished by its otherworldly beauty. The…

AI fauna facts: Panther

Did you know that panthers, also known as melanistic cougars or mountain lions, are actually…

AI & games: “Wipeout” (1995)

Here is today’s game title: Wipeout (1995), an iconic futuristic racing video game developed by…

AI & games: “Spy Hunter” (1983)

Here is the today’s game title: “Spy Hunter (1983)” – this iconic arcade racing game…

Book covers by AI: “The Street of Crocodiles” by Bruno Schulz

This is how the ICBINP image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Street of…

AI travels: Ollantaytambo (Peru)

Today we visited Ollantaytambo (Peru), an enchanting place full of Inca heritage and breathtaking landscapes.…

AI fauna facts: Darwin’s fox

Did you know that Darwin’s Fox, found only in Chile’s Atacama Desert, is one of…