Book covers by AI: “The Nine Tailors” by Dorothy L. Sayers

This is how the SexyToonRealWorld image generation model “sees” the cover for The Nine Tailors…

Daily picture: “Artificial sand”

“A hazy Kiribati morning in the past, depicted in a neo-expressionistic Sand Painting by the…

Historical persons by AI: Albert Einstein

Portrait of Albert Einstein, Actionism, Scribble Art 1. Albert Einstein was born on March 14,…

Book covers by AI: “As a Man Grows Older” by Italo Svevo

This is how the CopaxTimeLessXL image generation model “sees” the cover for As a Man…

Daily picture: “Sunset over herd”

“In South Africa at sunrise, a peaceful scene unfolds with a cloudy sky above, showcasing…

Historical persons by AI: Kate Winslet

Portrait of Kate Winslet, Everyday genre, Kalamkari Painting 1. Kate Winslet is an English actress…

Historical persons by AI: “Grace Kelly”

Portrait of Grace Kelly, Underground, Pencil Color Drawing 1. Grace Kelly was an American actress…

Historical persons by AI: “Montesquieu”

Portrait of Montesquieu, Airbrushing, Board Painting 1. Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La BrΓ¨de et…