AI fauna facts: Nabarlek

Did you know that the Nabarlek, also known as the Long-nosed Bandicoot, has an incredibly…

Historical persons by AI: Confucius

Portrait of Confucius, Primitivism, Collage Painting 1. Birth and Family: Confucius, whose birth name was…

AI travels: Bath (England)

Today we visited Bath, England, and were absolutely charmed by its elegant Georgian architecture, peaceful…

Historical persons by AI: Ted Kennedy

Portrait of Ted Kennedy, Animalistics, Casein Painting 1. Political Legacy: Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy was…

Book covers by AI: “Crossfire” by Miyabe Miyuki

This is how the SexyToon3D image generation model “sees” the cover for “Crossfire” by Miyabe…

AI travels: Galápagos Islands (Ecuador)

Today we visited Galápagos Islands (Ecuador), and it was truly a breathtaking experience. The unique…

AI & movies: “Molokai: The Story of Father Damien” (1999)

Here is the today’s movie title: Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999) Text model:…

AI & games: “Far Cry 2” (2008)

Here is the today’s game title: Far Cry 2 (2008). This open-world first-person shooter allows…