Daily picture: “Portraits of two women, oil on canvas”

Prompt: woman, Burkina Faso, dawn, future, cloudy, Portrait, Sand Painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci…

Daily picture: “Flood, small boats”

At dawn in the future, Armenia is submerged in floodwaters. The scene unfolds with an…

Book covers by AI: “The Manors of Ulloa” by Emilia Pardo Bazan

This is how the RealisticVision image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Manors of…

AI fauna facts: Patagonian Cavy

🐰 Did you know that the Patagonian Cavy, also known as a mara, is a…

AI & games: “Sleeping Dogs” (2012)

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. Can you please explain more clearly? Text model:…

Daily picture: “Snowy Western Town”

“Moroccan Sunset Winter Veduta Impasto: A sweeping panoramic view of the ancient city of Marrakech…

Book covers by AI: “52 Pick-up” by Elmore Leonard

This is how the RealisticVision image generation model “sees” the cover for “52 Pick-up” by…

Daily picture: “Futuristic robot”

Prompt: alien, Benin, morning, past, overcast, Application, Mixed media painting by Ivan Chuikov Ivan Chuikov…